In the social service sector, we rely and depend primarily on the resources to our disposal. We seek, explore and navigate through different avenues in attempts to secure effective service delivery. Therefore, we welcome the interest of community outreaches and interaction with other helping professionals.
Ms Snyman and her group of learners (attending Stellenzicht High) from Community Keepers in Stellenbosch elected our facility as part of their outreach community projects and came to spend the afternoon on 25 November 2019 with us.
They had the children so engaged in every single activity and they were laughing non-stop! Through different activities and games, they had the children running and rolling on the floor in pure ecstacy. It was absolutely amazing seeing that!
The children were able to learn a lot through their engagement with this group. And these individuals were able to leave our children with the reminder that they are special, funny, sweet, cute, hardworking and special!
Thank you so much, Community Keepers.
We cannot wait to see you all again!